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Michael Hüther IW-Policy Paper No. 4 25. June 2019 2019: The year for a fresh start in Europe?!

The good news is that Europe will not be dominated by populist parties. For big tent parties, i.e. the conservative EPP and the social democratic PES, however, results still aren’t rosy – they are looking at heavy losses, including the loss of their joint majority.

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2019: The year for a fresh start in Europe?!
Michael Hüther IW-Policy Paper No. 4 25. June 2019

2019: The year for a fresh start in Europe?!

IW-Policy Paper

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

The good news is that Europe will not be dominated by populist parties. For big tent parties, i.e. the conservative EPP and the social democratic PES, however, results still aren’t rosy – they are looking at heavy losses, including the loss of their joint majority.

From now on you need at least three parties to get most votes, handing either the Greens or the Liberals the role of king maker. But decision making in the European Parliament has always been characterized by often-changing majorities based more on factual debates and less on voting according to party discipline. The debate will probably become a bit more pluralistic but not fundamentally different from the current situation. As regards policy priorities, climate and environment are expected to be even more centre stage; security policy, ranging from migration-related topics to the fight against terrorism will remain high on the agenda, as will the reform of the Eurozone, incl. financial policy and the rule of law.

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2019: The year for a fresh start in Europe?!
Michael Hüther IW-Policy Paper No. 4 25. June 2019

Michael Hüther: 2019 – The year for a fresh start in Europe?!

IW-Policy Paper

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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