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Democracy, Society, Market economy

The Research Unit Democracy, Society, Market Economy investigates the societal conditions of economic success. Therefore, our research agenda includes inconsistent preferences as well as unresolved or hidden trade-offs as drivers of economic actors' decision-making. The polarized public discourse hinders the negotiation of appropriate political solutions. In this context, success in international competition depends in particular on the extent to which our pluralistic democracy remains able to endure and tame the tensions between societal groups. The goal is therefore to develop options for reconciliation between business, government and society.

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Knut Bergmann

Dr. Knut Bergmann

Head of Communication and the Branch Office in Berlin

Tel: +49 30 27877-110 Knut Bergmann @knut_bergmann
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Matthias Diermeier

Dr. Matthias Diermeier

Managing Director of IW Gesellschaftsforschung gGmbH and Head of Research Unit Democracy, Society, Market Economy

Tel: +49 221 4981-605 Matthias Diermeier
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The interplay of economic reasoning, voter preferences and party manifestos
IW-Analyse No. 156 10. June 2024

The Political Economy of Pension Reform

Jochen Pimpertz / Ruth Maria Schüler

As the German population ages, the country’s statutory pension scheme, which is financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, requires higher and higher contributions while the level of pensions is falling.


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Europe votes: Who cares and why?
IW-Report No. 29 7. June 2024

Europe votes: Who cares and why?

Matthias Diermeier / Judith Niehues / Samina Sultan

This study, based on the IW-People Survey 2024, shows that around 62% of Germans consider the election of the European Parliament to be important. This is the result of around 5,200 respondents. The proportion is therefore roughly as high as the voter turnout in 2019.


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External Publication
Results from a Survey of Business and Employers' Associations
External Publication 26. February 2024

How German Business deals with the populist radical right party Alternative for Germany (AfD): Results from a Survey of Business and Employers' Associations

Knut Bergmann / Matthias Diermeier / Daniel Kinderman / Wolfgang Schroeder

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) has established itself in Germany as a liberal-right-wing populist party in terms of its economic policy programme.


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[Translate to English:] Polens Regierungspartei PiS will unbedingt im Amt bleiben - ausgemacht ist das nicht.
Thomas Obst / Samina Sultan IW News 13. October 2023

Elections: Following its "Wirtschaftswunder", Poland must commit to the world

This coming Sunday, Poles will elect a new government. In wake of its remarkable "Wirtschaftswunder" or economic miracle, Poland stands at a crossroads. After experiencing years of economic growth, it has the potential to achieve even greater prosperity, provided it opens up further to the world and manages to find pragmatic solutions to major conflicts with the EU.


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Public Discussion of the Revised Unemployment Benefit
IW-Trends No. 1 23. May 2023

Too Much or Too Little Reform?: Public Discussion of the Revised Unemployment Benefit

Matthias Diermeier/ Jan Felix Engler / Holger Schäfer

Under its new name, Citizens' Benefit (Bürgergeld), Germany’s reformed unemployment benefit was supposed to put basic benefits for job-seekers on a new footing and fulfil the political promise to "overcome" its controversial predecessor known, after its original sponsor’s final proposal, as ‘Hartz IV’.


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