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Michael Hüther in Journal of Contextual Economics Externe Veröffentlichung 28. Mai 2018 Looking Back to the Future: Time Strata and Economic Analysis

In mainstream economics cultural differences, habits and mind-sets are considered to be reflected in the institutional setting.

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Time Strata and Economic Analysis
Michael Hüther in Journal of Contextual Economics Externe Veröffentlichung 28. Mai 2018

Looking Back to the Future: Time Strata and Economic Analysis

Artikel in Journal of Contextual Economics

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

In mainstream economics cultural differences, habits and mind-sets are considered to be reflected in the institutional setting.

To reintroduce historical time, we combine the concept of path dependency with the concept of time strata; instead of explaining a fact isolated from its historical conditionality, the perspective moves from a contemporary phenomenon to several paths incorporated in it and questions their time-differentiated interlocking, mutual influence and conditioning. At the same time, the direction of the perspective changes: the path is analysed from today to yesterday. We use this approach to explain the particular current economic situation in Germany: namely, the strength in manufacturing and in global exports.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Time Strata and Economic Analysis
Michael Hüther in Journal of Contextual Economics Externe Veröffentlichung 28. Mai 2018

Michael Hüther: Looking Back to the Future – Time Strata and Economic Analysis

Artikel in Journal of Contextual Economics

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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