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Oliver Stettes Gutachten 28. Februar 2011 Joint public-private local partnerships to cope with recession
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Joint public-private local partnerships to cope with recession
Oliver Stettes Gutachten 28. Februar 2011

Joint public-private local partnerships to cope with recession

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

On behalf of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, this report takes a look at local employment development (LED) in the context of the global economic and financial crisis. LED is more or less incorporated into or, at least, aligned with regular ALMP and PLMP in Germany. In general, funding is provided out of centralised budgets. Though regional and local actors must therefore comply with guidelines and legal provisions or, in some cases, must apply to a central authority for their resources, they are autonomous in selecting their specific local ALMP approach and the partners involved. Due to the focus on structural obstacles to labour market integration, LED has played only a minor role in dealing with the potentially adverse employment effects of the current, or rather recent, crisis.

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Joint public-private local partnerships to cope with recession
Oliver Stettes Gutachten 28. Februar 2011

Joint public-private local partnerships to cope with recession

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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