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Sandra Vogel Gutachten 11. August 2010 Developments in social partner organisations

Employer organisations

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Developments in social partner organisations
Sandra Vogel Gutachten 11. August 2010

Developments in social partner organisations

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Employer organisations

Employer organisations play a decisive role in a variety of fields, such as collective wage bargaining, developments in legislation and the formation of economic and social policy. In particular, national peak employer organisations shape a broad range of issues via their direct and indirect influence on consultative processes at the national and international level. While the role of peak organisations has not considerably changed in recent years, new developments are to be observed at the sectoral level. Employer organisations in certain sectors have endeavoured to enhance their influence by reorganising their structures.

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Developments in social partner organisations
Sandra Vogel Gutachten 11. August 2010

Developments in social partner organisations

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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