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  3. Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity
Melinda Fremerey / Andreas Lichter / Max Löffler in CESifo Working Papers Externe Veröffentlichung 20. Juni 2022 Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity

We study the consequences of a large-scale austerity program targeting financially-constrained municipalities in Germany. For identification, we exploit the quasi-random assignment of treatment among equally-distressed municipalities using a difference-in-differences design.

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Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity
Melinda Fremerey / Andreas Lichter / Max Löffler in CESifo Working Papers Externe Veröffentlichung 20. Juni 2022

Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

We study the consequences of a large-scale austerity program targeting financially-constrained municipalities in Germany. For identification, we exploit the quasi-random assignment of treatment among equally-distressed municipalities using a difference-in-differences design.

The policy helped targeted municipalities to consolidate budgets. Whereas the amount of fiscal consolidation was homogeneous among treated municipalities, strategies of consolidation differed between smaller and larger municipalities. The former primarily cut spending on local public services, whereas the latter predominantly relied on tax increases. We detect no adverse economic effects but sizable negative effects on population levels and house prices in municipalities reducing local amenities.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity
Melinda Fremerey / Andreas Lichter / Max Löffler in CESifo Working Papers Externe Veröffentlichung 20. Juni 2022

Fiscal and Economic Effects of Local Austerity

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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